30-year guarantee EquiSafe Häststaket
EquiSafe has been manufacturing fences in Sweden since 1986. We manufacture all our fences from 100% recycled plastic. Thanks to our new recycling processes, we can now offer a 30-year product guarantee on our fences.
The guarantee includes that the plastic must last for at least 30 years against wind and weather without breaking down. As all our fences have strong UV protection against the sun's rays, we also provide a 30-year guarantee on it.
Warranty conditions
The guarantee does not include installation of the fence and consequential damages. Here we provide a 2-year guarantee if EquiSafe has installed the fence.
The warranty does not include electrical wire or other electrical components that can break due to external influences such as lightning and other conditions.
The purchase invoice/receipt must be able to be shown. The guarantee is valid from 1/10-2024 and until then. Does not apply to previously purchased fences, but only our new RS Fences and E65 fence posts.